Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Officially Going To Extreme Rules!

I've been telling you this for months, but today I can officially confirm that I WILL INDEED be attending the Extreme Rules PPV on May 19th later this year.

The PPV takes place from the Scottrade Center arena in my hometown of St. Louis(as if I haven't said that enough on this blog! Haha.). I will take pictures and videos at the event and I'll try to post them on this blog.

I'll be sitting pretty high up, but a seat is a seat. Haha.

Now, let discuss some things:

Match Predictions

  • With the stunning news that The Rock is advertised for the show(he's listed on WWE's Facebook page and advertising commercials here in the St. Louis area), I fully expect to see Rock-Cena III: "The Final Encounter" live and in person. That alone makes this event arguably the most important event in St. Louis wrestling history. And I'll be proud to watch it. Expect a stipulation to be added. You might think I'm crazy, but I want Hell In A Cell. And the cell has history here: St. Louis hosted the first-ever match of that type in what is now the Scottrade Center back in 1997.
  • St. Louis's own Randy Orton has had a "fall from grace" in recent months. But he still gets huge pops, and the reception he will receive in St. Louis will be astonishing, as it always is. I think Orton's long-overdue for a World Championship run, and if WWE wants to do it while he's a face, then St. Louis is the perfect place to do it, in a St. Louis Street Fight. His opponent? Jack Swagger. Regardless of Swagger's DUI and Drug arrest, the angle with Del Rio is simply too hot now to not put the title on him at WrestleMania, even thought he must win by cheating on the part of Zeb Coulter. If they want to punish Swagger, dropping the title to Orton, who is long-overdue for a championship run and didn't escape a suspension like he did, would be sufficient enough. 
  • And maybe, just maybe, if they want to give Orton a definite win, but have him worn down by the match, then Extreme Rules would be the perfect time to have Dolph Ziggler cash-in his Money In The Bank briefcase. I just don't think it'll happen at 'Mania.
  • CM Punk? Perhaps an Extreme Rules match between Brock Lesnar, with Paul Heyman as the emotionally torn guest-referee. Drama Level = High.
  • Antonio Cesaro will finally drop his US Title to someone other than The Miz or R-Truth.
  • Ryback will take on each member of The Shield in a Gaunlet match, and their entertaining feud will finally come to an end when Ryback hands the Shield their first loss.
  • Team Hell No members and Former Tag Team Champions(they'll drop the belts at 'Mania, I'll say) Kane & Daniel Bryan will face each other in a Last Man Standing match. Expect a run-in from Dr. Shelby.
  • Some Diva's match will happen that I will go to the bathroom during.
Other moments?

  • Ron Simmons will show up and say "DAMN!"
  • A May 19th reference will pop-up in a Kane segment.
  • Joey Styles will appear in a backstage segment, possibly with Paul Heyman.
  • Them ring-ropes better be red, WWE. If I ever see those white ring-ropes in person again, I think I'll puke.

Theme Song?

Hopefully, it's something like this. Extreme Rules needs a rock song.

 Overall, I can't wait!

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