Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Raw Review: The Spinner Belt Goes Bye-Bye!

“The bottom line is this: The WWE Title, the championship title, should never look like a toy,” The Rock declares, before adding, “ And it should never, ever … spin. The first time you see the title, it should inspire you. It should be worthy to be worn around the waist of the great men of the past … who paved the way for men like The Rock.”
And with that, the Rock ditched the Spinner Belt that has been worn around the waist of champions since April 2005, and introduced this brand-new WWE Championship, earning back all of my respect for him in the process.
I never thought that the day would come that the Spinner Belt would go bye-bye. It has been put-off time and time again. I will say that I don't have the faintest idea why WWE waited this long to change the design, or even why they chose last night to do it. It really just came out of nowhere. Not that I really mind it that much, but it just took me by surprise.
Outside of that reveal, the show was actually rather boring. The Road to WrestleMania will really pick up next week in Dallas, when Vince McMahon returns to fight Paul Heyman, Brock Lesnar will be in the house(he's advertised for the show), and John Cena takes on CM Punk to see who goes on to WrestleMania to face The Rock.
On another note, I totally agree with this article.

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