Friday, October 5, 2012

Impact Review: King Mo Debuts; Aces & 8's Attack To End Another Solid Show

Whereas Raw this week was a mostly boring, uninspired show, this weeks Impact Wrestling was a solid show, both in & out of the squared circle. It wasn't the greatest Impact ever, but it was a good one.

We got a debut, good matches, and a surprise tag team match as well as the in-ring return of a legend signed for the Bound For Glory PPV in 9 days.

Let's go over the two new matches for BFG on October 14th in Phoenix, AZ:

-The two team members that will face 2 Aces & Eights members at Bound For Glory are Sting & Bully Ray. Honestly, even with the backstage promo between the two early in the show, I didn't think Bully would be chosen to be Sting's partner. Anderson was a good pick, but they took an interesting route with this, teaming the face Sting with the heel Ray. My call is that Ray screws Sting and gives the gang "full access" to the Impact Zone.

Another interesting match now signed is Joey Ryan vs Al Snow. I always thought Snow was an underrated performer. I not exactly sure what Snow's exact position is within TNA at the moment, but it's nice to see he's been given another program, this time with a rookie. I fully expect to see Snow put Ryan over, because it's only right. However, if they're is ever a rematch between these two after the event, I think Snow would win.

Another note of interest on the show was the debut of King Mo, an MMA fighter. He looked good, and the promo between Bobby Roode & James Storm right before that debut was another highlight of the show.

Overall, I enjoyed Impact Wrestling this week MUCH more than Raw. TNA seems to be back on track with producing excellent shows, and this is an exciting period of time to watch them.

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